I written an Autoit script. But error occured in the point of using Redim keyword which is used for the purpose of decreasing array size with keeping existing contents.
The test script is
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <String.au3>
Local $_URLfile = InputBox("filename input","Please input your URL-list filename with path")
$_URLfile = StringReplace($_URLfile,'"',"") ; remove quotation mark in filename
Local $_urllistarray
_FileReadToArray($_URLfile, $_urllistarray) ; read each line of the file and store to array
Local $_ValidUrlList[$_urllistarray[0]]
; restore to another array except elements which are empty or not Url string elements
Local $i = 0
For $j = 1 To $_urllistarray[0]
If StringRegExp($_urllistarray[$j],'(^http)') And StringLen($_urllistarray[$j]) >= 15 Then
$i += 1
Redim $_ValidUrlList[UBound[$_ValidUrlList]-1] ; but, ERROR occures here
Error message is
==> Subscript used on non-accessible variable.:
Redim $_ValidUrlList[UBound[$_ValidUrlList]-1]
Redim $_ValidUrlList[UBound^ ERROR
>Exit code: 1 Time: 32.72
How can I fix this error? Or, is it impossible to decrease array size with Redim keyword? I'm looking for your help. Thank you:-)
Redim $_ValidUrlList[UBound[$_ValidUrlList]-1]
should be
Redim $_ValidUrlList[UBound($_ValidUrlList)-1]
because UBound
isn't an array...