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Using dplyr quosures with mutate()

Reading the Programming with dplyr guide, I get a unexpected error.

In fact, trying the examples with summarize works quite right, but if I try similar things with mutate, the code won't run.

Here is my code :

df = data.frame(A=c(464,3465,48,3415,357,21,657), B=c(12,15,985,35,67,13,467))

df %>% 
  mutate(x = A-B) %>%
#returns the good output :
#[1]  452 3450 -937 3380  290    8  190

get.diff = function(var1, var2, data=df){
  var1 = enquo(var1)
  var2 = enquo(var2)
  data %>% 
    mutate(x = (!!var1 - !!var2)) %>%
get.diff(A, B)
returns an error

Here is the error :

Error in !var2 : invalid argument type

I tried a lot of thing, but this is the closest I got to the guide samples.

What did I miss ?


  • You just need parentheses around each "bang bang" / unquoting (!!varX) :

    mutate(x = ((!!var1) - (!!var2))) %>%

    Full code:

    df = data.frame(A=c(464,3465,48,3415,357,21,657), B=c(12,15,985,35,67,13,467))
      df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(x = A-B) %>%
      #returns the good output :
      #[1]  452 3450 -937 3380  290    8  190
      get.diff = function(var1, var2, data=df){
        var1 = enquo(var1)
        var2 = enquo(var2)
        data %>%
          dplyr::mutate(x = ((!!var1) - (!!var2))) %>%
      get.diff(A, B)
      [1]  452 3450 -937 3380  290    8  190