I'm having trouble figuring out the cleanest way of zooming an effect like StateT that returns a value into an indexed container like a vector or a map.
For example let's say I have some structures for a card game:
data Card = Card
{ cardValue :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
makeFields ''Card
data Player = Player
{ playerCards :: [Card]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
makeFields ''Player
data Game = Game
{ gamePlayers :: M.Map Int Player
} deriving (Show, Eq)
makeFields ''Game
data Action = GiveCard Card | DoNothing
And a function that handles a player's move in a turn with a StateT effect:
playerAction :: (MonadIO m) => StateT Player m Action
playerAction = do
cards' <- use cards
case cards' of
(c:rest) -> GiveCard c <$ (cards .= rest)
_ -> return DoNothing
What I want to do is to index inside a player in the game and apply this StateT to that player. Something that looks like this:
gameAction :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> StateT Game m ()
gameAction i = do
Just action <- zoom (players . at i . mapJust) playerAction
case action of
GiveCard c -> liftIO $ print c
DoNothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Doing nothing"
Adding _Just
in the traversal or replacing at i
with ix i
results in this compile error:
• Could not deduce (Monoid Action) arising from a use of ‘_Just’
from the context: MonadIO m
bound by the type signature for:
gameAction :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
Int -> StateT Game m ()
at src/MainModule.hs:36:1-52
• In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘_Just’
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘at i . _Just’
In the first argument of ‘zoom’, namely ‘(players . at i . _Just)’
38 | action <- zoom (players . at i . _Just) playerAction
| ^^^^^
I could use non
with a dummy Player value but if the index doesn't exist then it silently runs the function on the dummy value which is not what I want:
emptyPlayer :: Player
emptyPlayer = Player []
gameAction :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> StateT Game m ()
gameAction i = do
action <- zoom (players . at i . non emptyPlayer) playerAction
case action of
GiveCard c -> liftIO $ print c
DoNothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Doing nothing"
I could grab the player out with preuse
, modify it and set the modified value. Calling the function that does this is pretty verbose since it has to take in the runMonad function and the getter and setter lenses.
prezoom run get set m = do
maybeS <- preuse get
case maybeS of
Just s -> do
(r, s') <- lift $ run m s
set .= s'
return $ Just r
Nothing -> return Nothing
gameAction :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> StateT Game m ()
gameAction i = do
Just action <- prezoom runStateT (players . ix i) (players . ix i) playerAction
case action of
GiveCard c -> liftIO $ print c
DoNothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Doing nothing"
I don't really like the above ways of zooming into an indexed container. Is there an easier and cleaner way to do this?
It sounds like you have a handle on what the underlying semantic issue is, but let me restate it for clarity.
at i
is a Lens
into a container which returns a Maybe
, because the item may be missing from the container (perhaps the index is beyond the end of the list). Composing such a Lens
with a Prism
like _Just
turns the whole thing into a Traversal
players . at i . _Just :: Traversal' Game Player
Now, zoom
does work with Traversal
s, but it needs a Monoid
for the return value of the stateful action. From the docs:
When applied to a
over multiple values, the actions for each target are executed sequentially and the results are aggregated.
A Traversal
may return zero-or-many results, so zoom
will execute the monadic action zero-or-many times, filling in mempty
as a default value and combining multiple results with mappend
. The docs also feature the following specialised type signature for zoom
, which demonstrates the Monoid
zoom :: (Monad m, Monoid c) => Traversal' s t -> StateT t m c -> StateT s m c
That’s why your error message says “Could not deduce (Monoid Action)
”: playerAction
returns an Action
and zoom
needs a Monoid
for Action
because you handed it a Traversal
So the fix is to pick a Monoid
to return from the stateful action. We know that the Traversal
will either hit one or zero targets - at i
never returns multiple results - so the correct semantics for the Monoid
we’re looking for are “first-result-or-failure”. That Monoid
is First
. (We don’t need to worry about throwing away extra results because there won’t be any.)
action <- getFirst <$> zoom (players . at i . _Just) (fmap (First . Just) playerAction)
-- here action :: Maybe Action
(I’m on my phone so I haven’t tested this code!) You might be able to clean this up a bit using ala