I am new to Scala. I want to parse JSON data in scala.
I want to loop this data and in each iteration extract data for id,v,q
, and t
from values
I am using below code to parse it to JSON
import scala.util.parsing.json._
val data =
, "values":
, "v":
, "q":
, "t":
, "v":
, "q":
, "t":
val parsed = JSON.parseFull(data)
I am getting output as below
Some(Map(timestamp -> 1.518501114949E12, values -> List(Map(id -> abc, v -> 0.0, q -> true, t -> 1.518501114487E12), Map(id -> xyz, v -> 15.0, q -> true, t -> 1.518501114494E12), Map(id -> klm, v -> 12.6999998, q -> true, t -> 1.518501114487E12), Map(id -> 901.Hotmelt.PSA.0759_PSAM01_Vac, v -> 1.0, q -> true, t -> 1.518501114494E12))))
but I don't know how to loop and fetch all values after that
and I am not understanding why timestamp is getting converted to E12 values
The problem is that the parseFull returns an Option with an Any inside, so you first need to get rid of that:
With this code below, you will keep the values:
val listAsAny = parsed match {
case Some(e:Map[Any,Any]) => e("values")
case None => println("Failed.")
But they still as Any, so you can transform it as follows:
val values = listAsAny.asInstanceOf[List[Map[String, Any]]]
Now values is a List of maps with the following values, and you can get the values inside as you will do with a regular List
List(Map(id -> abc, v -> 0.0, q -> true, t -> 1.518501114487E12), Map(id -> xyz, v -> 15.0, q -> true, t -> 1.518501114494E12))
For instance, to retrieve the ids you can do:
And the result will be:
List(abc, xyz)