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Modify canvas size in gnuplot

I have 300 samples represented, at the moment of representing this data in a graph, it is not possible to distinguish the separation between each sample, How can I do so that the samples are separated a little more and look clearer.

Current output:

enter image description here


  • If I understood correctly the question, there are a few things you could try. First, make your point smaller using:

    plot "<jot -r 300" with linespoints ps 0.5


    You can also use impulses instead:

    plot "<jot -r 300" with impulses


    Or, assuming you know what your range of x values is, split it in two of more panels:

    set multiplot layout 2,1
    set xrange [0:150]
    plot "<jot -r 300" not w imp
    set xrange [150:300]
    plot "<jot -r 300" not w imp


    Hope it helps!