I'm using Advanced Custom Fields for Wordpress in combination with a plugin that integrates Gravity Forms.
The plugin makes available a gravity_forms
function in which to display a specific gravity form to the frontend.
As per the plugin's documentation, I am using a for loop to loop through all gravity forms and display the form selected in the backend on the page.
My code looks as follows:
if( have_rows('content_area') ):
while ( have_rows('content_area') ) : the_row();
if( get_row_layout() == 'gravity_form' ):
$form = get_sub_field('form');
foreach($forms as $form) {
gravity_form($form, true, true, false, '', true, 1);
else :
// do nothing
When I remove the foreach loop and pass a specific form ID into the gravity_form
function (instead of the $form
variable) it outputs the correct form to the page.
My PHP skills aren't that great so I suspect it is something I am missing that the documentation hasn't included.
Here are some screenshots of my ACF setup.
it may, or may not be worth noting that I also tried with:
$form = get_field('form');
Remove the foreach because the var $forms do not exists, so it can't works.
Try instead :
if( have_rows('content_area') ):
while ( have_rows('content_area') ) : the_row();
if( get_row_layout() == 'gravity_form' ):
if( get_row_layout() == 'gravity_form' ):
gravity_form(get_sub_field('form'), true, true, false, '', true, 1);
else :
// do nothing
If you are returning more than one form, you can use the foreach but with the right variable so juste replace $form = get_sub_field('form');
by $forms = get_sub_field('form')