i'm using anychart stock 8.1.0. I have a dataset with 24 hours of date with per-second resolution. I would like for only a small 30 seconds subset of that data to be shown/zoomed on load.
I could not find out how to do this so i tried adding a range selector option like below but i couldn't get that working either.
'text': 'Testing',
'startDate': '2006 May 16 13:00:00',
'endDate': '2006 May 16 13:00:30'
If i use the range selector slider i can zoom as i require but how do i define this in code ?
So to recap i'd like
dd/MM/yyy mm:ss
thank you.
Yes, you can define your own custom periods for rangeSelector, but if you want to zoom to specific period on load you have to call selectRange() method after chart drawing. If you want to show only 30 seconds in the beginning of your series you should put the following line into your code:
chart.selectRange("second", 30, "first-date", true);
You can learn more about this method here And find a similar example of using it here