I'm using an 125Khz RFID module RDM6300 with arduino nano. While the card is near the RFID reader the loop will read the card multiple times. I want it to read only once while the card is near the reader then read it again if a new connection is being made. *This code is not writen by me, this is the source: https://github.com/Wookai/arduino-rfid
// define constants for pins
//int SUCCESS = 10;
//int ERROR = 13;
// variables to keep state
int readVal = 0; // individual character read from serial
unsigned int readData[10]; // data read from serial
int counter = -1; // counter to keep position in the buffer
char tagId[11]; // final tag ID converted to a string
char* authorizedTags[4]; // array to hold the list of authorized tags
// fills the list of authorzied tags
void initAuthorizedTags() {
// add your own tag IDs here
authorizedTags[0] = "0400680B85";
authorizedTags[1] = "0400063EB9";
authorizedTags[2] = "040004F3F5";
authorizedTags[3] = "04006813AB";
void setup() {
// pinMode(SUCCESS, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(ERROR, OUTPUT);
// check if the tag ID we just read is any of the authorized tags
int checkTag() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (strcmp(authorizedTags[i], tagId) == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
// convert the int values read from serial to ASCII chars
void parseTag() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
tagId[i] = readData[i];
tagId[10] = 0;
// once a whole tag is read, process it
void processTag() {
// convert id to a string
// print it
// check if the tag is authorized
if (checkTag() == 1) {
tagSuccess(); // if so, perform an action (blink a led, open a door, etc...)
} else {
tagFailed(); // otherwise, inform user of failure
void printTag() {
Serial.print("Tag value: ");
// perform an action when an authorized tag was read
void tagSuccess() {
Serial.println("Tag authorized.");
// here, we simply turn on the success LED for 2s
// digitalWrite(SUCCESS, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(ERROR, LOW);
// delay(2000);
// inform the user that the tag is not authorized
void tagFailed() {
Serial.println("Unauthorized access!");
//digitalWrite(SUCCESS, LOW);
// digitalWrite(ERROR, HIGH);
// delay(2000);
// this function clears the rest of data on the serial, to prevent multiple scans
void clearSerial() {
while (Serial.read() >= 0) {
; // do nothing
void loop() {
// turn LEDs off
// digitalWrite(SUCCESS, LOW);
// digitalWrite(ERROR, LOW);
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
readVal = Serial.read();
// a "2" signals the beginning of a tag
if (readVal == 2) {
counter = 0; // start reading
// a "3" signals the end of a tag
else if (readVal == 3) {
// process the tag we just read
// clear serial to prevent multiple reads
// reset reading state
counter = -1;
// if we are in the middle of reading a tag
else if (counter >= 0) {
// save valuee
readData[counter] = readVal;
// increment counter
Thank you.
Thank you for your answers. I tried to accept the multiple reads and print only one but it keeps printing "already read" instead of reading the card first time, this is the code:
void printTag() {
strcpy(previous, tagId);
Serial.print("Tag value: ");
Serial.print("already read");
I also tried to put the delay after end of tag but it still reads the card multiple times.
I tried another code, it still reads the tag multiple times.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// RFID | Nano
// Pin 1 | D2
// Pin 2 | D3
SoftwareSerial Rfid = SoftwareSerial(2,3);
int timer=0;
int reference = 1000;
int card_status = 0;
void setup() {
// Serial Monitor to see results on the computer
// Communication to the RFID reader
void read() {
// check, if any data is available
// as long as there is data available...
while(Rfid.available() > 0 ){
// read a byte
int r = Rfid.read();
// print it to the serial monitor
Serial.print(r, DEC);
Serial.print(" ");
// linebreak
void loop()
if((Rfid.available() > 0 ) && (card_status == 0) )
if((!Rfid.available() > 0 ) && (card_status == 1) )
I'm sorry for the late response. I forgot about this topic.
I solved the problem by making the arduino wait for a response after writing the RFID code for the frist time. I was able to do that because my arduino was sending the code to a C# application via serial port.
Here is how it works: the arduino prints the RFID code on the serial, from there it is picked up by the C# application which searches a database to see if the code is stored there. Depending on the result, the application prints a character('y' or 'n') which is picked up by the arduino. Depending on the character recieved, the arduino lights up a led ( green or red) and makes a noise. Now a new RFID reading can be made.
Here is the code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "RDM6300.h"
SoftwareSerial rdm_serial(8, 9);
RDM6300<SoftwareSerial> rdm(&rdm_serial);
String comanda;
char c="";
int led_verde = 2;
int led_rosu = 7;
int buzzer = 12;
int i;
void buzz(int n = 1)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
void ledVerde()
digitalWrite(led_verde, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led_verde, LOW);
void ledRosu()
digitalWrite(led_rosu, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led_rosu, LOW);
void setup()
pinMode(led_verde, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led_rosu, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led_verde, LOW);
digitalWrite(led_rosu, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
void loop()
static unsigned long long last_id = 0;
last_id = rdm.read();
You can find the RDM6300 library here: https://github.com/arliones/RDM6300-Arduino
For example, you may prefer to read a RFID card when it firstly comes near to the antenna, once only; when it keeps to contact the antenna, still take no more actions. When you remove the card and place it again near to the antenna, the MCU starts to read the card again.
If so, the following code could be for your reference. What I have done is just to add 1 more flag to keep checking the
before checking if a RFID card comes near to the antenna.
int card_status = 0; //0:readable; 1:not-readable
if ( (Serial.available() > 0) && (card_status == 0) ) {
card_status = 1; //disable to read card after exit this loop
//your code, a card is near to the antenna, try to read it.
readVal = Serial.read();
if (readVal == 2) {
counter = 0; // start reading
} else if (readVal == 3) {
counter = -1;
} else if (counter >= 0) {
readData[counter] = readVal;
reset the card status when no RFID signal comes in && card status is true,
if ( (!(Serial.available() > 0)) && (card_status == 1) ) {
card_status = 0; //enable to read card again
//no signal, no card is near to the antenna.