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Walmart Electrode basic understanding

I'm trying to create a basic iOS-app based on ReactNative using Electrode (Walmart -

While I can get the app to work locally on my Mac, I'm struggling to understand how the whole Over-The-Air (OTA) update can/should work.

Here's what I've done so far

  • created a mini-app using ern create-miniapp TestApp
  • created a GIT-repository on BitBucket
  • created a Cauldron using ern cauldron repo add TestApp [Bitbucket-url]
  • added a nativeapp using ern cauldron add native app TestApp

But when I run the app using ern run-ios, it still seems to point towards my local machine (I can update the index-ios.js-file and it updates in the app). So what is lacking for getting the whole OTA-setup going where another programmer can updates the index-ios.js-file in the cloud/bitbucket (I'm guessing) and update the app on the fly?


  • I ended up getting it to work on a 2nd try - The notes I've made underways is the following:

    I searched around the net and used a bit here and there, so can't really point you to one simple guide..


    install Homebrew

    install ReactNative-cli-tools and codePush

    brew install node

    brew install watchman

    npm install -g react-native-cli

    Npm install -g code-push-cli

    codePush register

    Code-push register

    (complete registration, validate by running this command again and it should say: [Error] You are already logged in from this machine.)


    react-native init [AppName] Cd [AppName] npm install —save react-native-code-push Npm install (something goes wrong when installing code-push, so we have to reinstall some react-native elements)

    code-push app add ReactApp ios react-native (Copy production deployment key)

    React-native link react-native-code-push (Enter production deployment key)

    Edit App.js

    import codePush from 'react-native-code-push'

    (Remove "export default" from main App class)

    const codePushOptions = {
      checkFrequency: codePush.CheckFrequency.ON_APP_RESUME,
      installMode: codePush.InstallMode.IMMEDIATE

    export default codePush(codePushOptions)(App);

    release app to codePush server

    code-push release-react ReactApp ios --deploymentName Production

    command to see current status of reactApp codePush server

    code-push deployment ls ReactApp -k

    Open xCode project in \ios-folder

    Set up signing if needed

    edit xCode scheme to Release

    edit App.js to make the change visible

    Build and app-content should update after open to reflect changes made between version uploaded to codePush-server and local version