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Are hard-coded STRINGS ever acceptable?

Similar to Is hard-coding literals ever acceptable?, but I'm specifically thinking of "magic strings" here.

On a large project, we have a table of configuration options like these:

Name         Value
----         -----

(Hundreds of them).

The common practice is to call a generic function to test an option like this:

if (config_options.value('FOO_ENABLED') == 'Y') ...

(Of course, this same option may need to be checked in many places in the system code.)

When adding a new option, I was considering adding a function to hide the "magic string" like this:

if (config_options.foo_enabled()) ...

However, colleagues thought I'd gone overboard and objected to doing this, preferring the hard-coding because:

  • That's what we normally do
  • It makes it easier to see what's going on when debugging the code

The trouble is, I can see their point! Realistically, we are never going to rename the options for any reason, so about the only advantage I can think of for my function is that the compiler would catch any typo like fo_enabled(), but not 'FO_ENABLED'.

What do you think? Have I missed any other advantages/disadvantages?


  • if (config_options.isTrue('FOO_ENABLED')) {...

    Restrict your hard coded Y check to one place, even if it means writing a wrapper class for your Map.

    if (config_options.isFooEnabled()) {...

    Might seem okay until you have 100 configuration options and 100 methods (so here you can make a judgement about future application growth and needs before deciding on your implementation). Otherwise it is better to have a class of static strings for parameter names.

    if (config_options.isTrue(ConfigKeys.FOO_ENABLED)) {...