I need to take a reference of a variable that is in a service. The variable in the service also can be changed by another function that is in another component. It is hard to explain so let me show you.
export class SharedService {
sharedpages = {
items: [
{id: "1", link: "", text: "Epiaş", parent: "0", active: false, tabbed: false},
{id: "T001", link: "T001", text: "T001 | Abone Bul", parent: "1", active: false, tabbed: false},
getAll: () => {
return this.sharedpages.items;
export class AppComponent {
public pages;
constructor(public SharedService: SharedService) {
// The code below just takes sharedpages from sharedservice once then it doesn't takes updates of the sharedpages.
this.pages = SharedService.sharedpages.getAll();
//The code below also doesn't work
this.pages = SharedService.sharedpages.items;
I want to update pages variable from AppComponent whenever sharedpages from SharedService changes.
for example some other function from another component changed sharedpages.items to blank array. When this happen I want to make pages variable from Appcomponent to blank array too.
Are there any solution for this? Thank you...
Try this:
export class SharedService {
public pagesChanged$: ReplaySubject<any> = new ReplaySubject<any>(1);
sharedpages = {
items: [
{id: "1", link: "", text: "Epiaş", parent: "0", active: false, tabbed: false},
{id: "T001", link: "T001", text: "T001 | Abone Bul", parent: "1", active: false, tabbed: false},
getAll: () => {
return this.sharedpages.items;
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
public pages;
constructor(public sharedService: SharedService) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.sharedService.pagesChanged$.subscribe(data => {
this.pages = data;
And in your component on which the pages getting changed, emit new value
export class AnotherComponent {
constructor(public sharedService: SharedService) {}
onPageChange() {
this.sharedService.pagesChanged$.next(null); // Emits null as new value
Added a working example https://ng-run.com/edit/1zZGSvohchUeEG8dacXt?open=app%2Fanother.component.ts&layout=2