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Browser not setting the origin header for cross origin requests?

I have a simple index.html file. This html is loading from localhost:3000

    <h1>Some app</h1>
    <script src="http://localhost:3005/script.js"></script>

The script.js is set to load from another origin: localhost:3005.

From my understanding, The browser should intercept the request and add the origin header to it - and make a preflight request to localhost:3005 server to check if localhost:3000 is allowed.

But i'm getting no origin. The browser doesn't seem to add the origin header. This is the server responsible for serving the script.js file (localhost:3005). I'm using the cors module.

const app = express()

const whitelist = ["http://localhost:3001"]
const corsOptions = {
    origin: function(origin, callback) {
        console.log("origin is: ", origin);      //undefined -- why is undefined??

        if (whitelist.indexOf(origin) !== -1) {
            callback(null, true)
        else {
            callback(new Error('Not allowed by CORS'))

app.use(cors(corsOptions), express.static(__dirname))
app.listen(3005, () => {
    console.log("server listening on port 3005")

My actual goal is to white-list only localhost:3000 for asking for my script.js

And i put localhost:3001 just to test if i'm actually getting a cors error - as it should be.

But i'm not even getting the origin - what is causing this? I'm getting the same behavior in both Firefox and Chrome. Did i misunderstood this hole process? Thanks :)

EDIT: Maybe seeing the request helps

browser doesn't attach the origin header


  • I think you might be misunderstanding the purpose of CORS. It gives servers the ability to opt-in to certain kinds of requests that would otherwise be disallowed under the browser's Same Origin Policy. It doesn't provide a mechanism to disallow requests that were previously allowed.

    Executing scripts from foreign origins in the src of a <script> tag has always been allowed under the Same Origin Policy, and so CORS simply doesn't apply. That's why there's no header on the request.

    My actual goal is to white-list only localhost:3000 for asking for my script.js.

    You can't use CORS for that. In fact, you probably can't do that at all. I would take a step back and ask why you want to do that. If you're trying to secure private data then some sort of authentication mechanism (tokens, cookies, whatever) is probably necessary.