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How to get a human-readable date/time format from Beacon packets

I want to fetch the human-readable date/time format from IEEE 802.11[a,b,g,n] wireless packets.

We have an open-source project for wireless pen-testing that called Aircrack-ng. This package has a tool that called Airodump-ng.

I found a function in Airodump-ng's source that can convert this timestamp to readable format.


#define TSTP_SEC 1000000ULL /* It's a 1 MHz clock, so a million ticks per second! */
#define TSTP_MIN (TSTP_SEC * 60ULL)
#define TSTP_HOUR (TSTP_MIN * 60ULL)

static char *parse_timestamp(unsigned long long timestamp) {
        static char s[15];
        unsigned long long rem;
        unsigned int days, hours, mins, secs;

        days = timestamp / TSTP_DAY;
        rem = timestamp % TSTP_DAY;
        hours = rem / TSTP_HOUR;
        rem %= TSTP_HOUR;
        mins = rem / TSTP_MIN;
        rem %= TSTP_MIN;
        secs = rem / TSTP_SEC;

        snprintf(s, 14, "%3ud %02u:%02u:%02u", days, hours, mins, secs);

        return s; }

In Airodump-ng, I saw below human-readable up-times for access-points:

  • ADSL-ADSL: 0d 01:04:08
  • ViroooS: 0d 18:13:10
  • Python2: 0d 12:50:40
  • G4_3355: 0d 00:07:34
  • apple: 4d 12:23:28
  • Maya: 8d 22:44:50

for example: the up-time of G4_3355 as an Access-Point is ~7 minutes.

for testing, i have a PCAP file and you can parse it with Wireshark.

download link of PCAP file:

a screenshot from Airodump-ng tool:

How we can write above function (C codes) in Python !?

the <bsstimestamp>183258624319</bsstimestamp> as input. 

ts = 183258624319

result: a Date/Time  readable format.

note: the format of timestamps in wireshark is not like as above TS.

Help me to convert the timestamps of this PCAP file to readable format like as above examples.

Thanks a lot.


  • Simple example:

    from scapy.all import *
    def print_timestamp(ts):
        TSTP_SEC =   1000000
        TSTP_MIN  = TSTP_SEC * 60
        TSTP_HOUR  = TSTP_MIN * 60
        TSTP_DAY  = TSTP_HOUR * 24
        days = ts / TSTP_DAY;
        rem = ts % TSTP_DAY;
        hours = rem / TSTP_HOUR;
        rem %= TSTP_HOUR;
        mins = rem / TSTP_MIN;
        rem %= TSTP_MIN;
        secs = rem / TSTP_SEC;
        print '%3ud %02u:%02u:%02u'% (days, hours, mins, secs)
    pkts = rdpcap('timestamp.cap')
    for pkt in pkts:
        if pkt.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) or pkt.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp):