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Meteor Angular forkjoin for server side data initialization

I'm trying to use the RxJS Observable.forkjoin method to synchronize my serverside created fake data but it never triggers the subscription if I try to use them with MeteorObservable.Collection<any>.insert methods.

If I try to use the same with "original" angular Observable like observableBatchTest.push(Observable.from([i])); there is no problem and the subscription is triggered fine.

Here's a small minimal example of the existing problem:

function initFakeChats(numberOfChats: number): Observable<{}[]> {

 let observableBatch = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChats; i++) {
    var data = {
      messages: Fake.word(),
      name: Fake.word(),
  return Observable.forkJoin(observableBatch);

export function fakeAll() {

  let chatIds = initFakeChats(2).subscribe(
    fakeChatIds => {
      console.dir('Finished Fake Chats');
      return fakeChatIds;
    error => {

Is there a special meteor way to reach something similar like that? For example dynamic nested


  • I know the problem now - related to this topic .

    The MeteorObservable subscriptions never fire a complete event - because of that there is no possibility to fire a forkjoin (which needs all inner observables fired completed).

    combineLatest works instead - I just have now to workout to get the recognition of something like "completed" (could use the array size of a fake object loop to check if the subscription callbacks are "completed"), before run next fake creation tasks.