am currently installing on Linux Mint 64bit and although I know how to verify an asc fingerprint, I am struggling to check the .deb file for ...
As per:
I'd like to install the 64-bit deb version.
There are details for an .asc and a fingerprint (which work, I can check that via gpg --with-fingerprint code_signing_key.asc ) ... but what do I do with the .sig to check the actual installation file (
Apologies if this is really basic but am only just getting comfortable with gpg keys.
Per this you're looking for
gpg --verify keybase_amd64.deb.sig keybase_amd64.deb
You can also leave off the second argument (the .deb file) and it'll assume you're trying to verify a file named everything to the left of ".sig" in the .sig filename, in the same directory.