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Tslint on latest Ionic

I am trying to lint my ionic project and abort the commit if lint fails. Running npm run lint in the console shows the error. I have installed precommit and lately husky ("husky": "^0.15.0-rc.6") with the below code inside package.json

"husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "npm run lint"

I have read a number of tutorials and the closest I got is linting but still commits if there are errors. Have also reverted the git hooks. How can I share the modified hooks with a team and run lint on every commit? At the moment git does commit event though npm run lint returns errors. I have remote the precommit hooks so the husky installation can successfully set up new ones.


  • Check out the comments in this GitHub issue. Adding --bailOnLintError true to lint script did the trick.