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Testing TestHost.WebSocketClient with ClientWebSocket .net core

I have build a WebSocket web application in .net core by following this and this or this tutorials. Now I am trying to write some integration tests on this by using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost

The way I create the WebSocket

public static WebSocketClient StartWebSocketServer(string url)
    var baseAddress = $"http://{url}";
    var builder =
        WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(new string[]{})
            .ConfigureLogging((ctx, logging) => logging.AddConsole())

    var server = new TestServer(builder);
    return server.CreateWebSocketClient();

And websocket client creation is done in the code below

ClientWebSocket testAppClient = new ClientWebSocket();
        new Uri("ws://loclahost:52015/local"),

local is the path name on the websocket server



Anyway, the connection produce the following error

System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException : Unable to connect to the remote server

My question is how can I ask ClientWebSocket to connect to TestHost.WebSocketClient?


  • Using the TestServer the following works on my end and just in case it may help someone else, here's the code:

    var builder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    var server = new TestServer(builder);
    var wsClient = server.CreateWebSocketClient();
    var wsUri = new UriBuilder(server.BaseAddress) 
        Scheme = "ws"
    await wsClient.ConnectAsync(wsUri, CancellationToken.None);

    But since the original question is using the path /local one would just need to specify the Path property:

    var wsUri = new UriBuilder(server.BaseAddress) 
        Scheme = "ws",
        Path = "local"