i am a beginner to ontologies and just fail to define it right.
what are my constraints: i have a class objects with subclasses wall, window ... i have a class properties with ? subclasses or individuals for properties like name, color ... i have defined information requests as phases.
my task now is to define an onthology for these relations:
for a "wall" the property called "name" has to be satisfied at "time" from "engineer" for a "window" the property called "name" has to be satisfied at "other time" from "architect"
my question now: shall properties like "name" be individuals or subclasses? how do i connect the "time" constraint depending on my subclass?
thank you?
OK trying to be more precise:
Class: Object
Class: Wall
SubClassOf: Object
Class: Window
SubClassOf: Object
Class: Properties
Class: Name
SubClassOf: Properties
Class: Color
SubClassOf: Properties
Class: Phases
Class: Start
SubClassOf: Phases
Class: End
SubClassOf: Phases
my question is how to relate "Name" to "Start" if in relation with a "Wall"
something like: if "Wall":"Name":"Start" if "Window":"Name":"End"
does that make sense?
I think you will find value in going through the Pizza ontology tutorial.
For complete information on translating UML class diagrams to OWL 2 you can go here.
As a brief example, to state Wall is a subclass of Object in Protege you need to state:
Class: Object
Class: Wall
SubClassOf: Object
To state that a wall has a specific colour, in Protege you can define the following:
Class: Colour
EquivalentTo: {Green, Amber, Red}
Individual: Green
Types: Colour
Individual: Amber
Types: Colour
Individual: Red
Types: Colour
DifferentIndividuals: Green, Amber, Red
ObjectProperty: hasColour
Domain: Wall
Range: Colour
Class: Wall
SubClassOf: hasColour some Thing