I've added VBA code which will insert either the time or date to a cell upon double clicking. I managed to get that going pretty well.
The bit I'm struggling with is getting the cell to protect and lock after the time/date has been entered.
I've got to a point where when I double click/try to edit a non-empty cell, I get a runtime error. Upon debugging, the line that throws me up is "Target.Formula = Format(Now, "ttttt")"
I'm also not able to throw an error message either.
I'm so close!
Any advice would be truly appreciated!
My code:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C:E")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
Target.Formula = Format(Now, "ttttt")
End If
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
Target.Formula = Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim xRg As Range
Set xRg = Intersect(Range("A:A,C:E"), Target)
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Target.Worksheet.Unprotect Password:="123"
xRg.Locked = True
Target.Worksheet.Protect Password:="123"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Cell already filled"
Resume Next
End Sub
The reason for your error is that the sheet is locked until some change happens on the worksheet, so if you remove the Worksheet_Change
event and have your code as follows then it should work:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Target.Worksheet.Unprotect Password:="123"
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C:E")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Value = "" Then
Cancel = True
Target.Formula = Format(Now(), "ttttt")
End If
End If
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Value = "" Then
Cancel = True
Target.Formula = Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy")
End If
End If
Target.Worksheet.Protect Password:="123"
End Sub