I'm new to python, and i started to use tkinter to build a simple GUI. I was looking around in some examples and i saw that there is a few ways to program with tkinter (or generally program)
The first way is procedural and the recommended way is OOP(correct me if i'm wrong) so here is the question:
assume i got this code and i've imported the library:
root = Tk()
ipLabel = Label(root, text='IP Address:', fg='blue', bg='cyan')
ip = Entry(root)
ipLabel.grid(row=0, column=0)
ip.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=1, pady=3)
now since all the code in the global scope i can just access the entry by doing ip.get()
from any other function or class
Now let's take the same code in the second way:
class App(Tk):
def __init__(self):
def Widgets(self):
ipLabel = Label(self, text='IP Address:', fg='blue', bg='cyan')
ip = Entry(self)
ipLabel.grid(row=0, column=0)
ip.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=1, pady=3)
MyApp = App()
what is the best way to access the ip entry from another class or function? what i tried to do and it's working is just to put global for this variables inside the function
def Widgets(self):
global ip
ipLabel = Label(top_frame, text='IP Address:', fg='blue', bg='cyan')
ip = Entry(top_frame)
I want to know if there is another way to do it and what is the best way to do it?
Thanks in advance
Replace ip with self.ip in App.Widgets(), and then you can access it from elsewhere, e.g. MyApp.ip.