Is it currently possible to display the intersection of a mesh and a plane as below in THREEJS:
Display in red, green, yellow the intersection of meshes with a back plane with a texture on it.
If not, which would the best approach be:
For option #2 are there some demos online already of such shaders?
=== UPDATE 2022 ===
THREE-Mesh-BVH provides new efficient ways to create contours. That is how I currently do it:
AMI now supports it (
The steps are:
Display intersection between a mesh and a plane
Post process the intersection to display the contours.
There are different techniques to display mesh/plane intersection:
With a stencil buffer (
Playing the the mesh opacity (
All those techniques are computationally expensive at it requires 3 renders pass to display contours of 1 mesh and there may be a better approach but not sure what would be the best alternative.