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Link a RibbonSplitButton button click with its menu opening in an XML ribbon

I'm using a XML ribbon for an Excel add-in with C#. I'm new at this so I hope I have not misunderstood how it works. I have a SplitButton containing a button and a menu. I'd like the menu to open up when clicking the button just like if I clicked the caret.

What I have in XML:

<splitButton id="_mySplitButton" size="large">
      <button id="_mySplitButton__btn" onAction="ShowMenu"/>
      <menu id="_mySplitButton__mnu">
            <!-- buttons here -->  

What I have in C#:

public void ShowMenu(IRibbonControl control)
    // Open the dropdown here
    RibbonButton button = control as RibbonButton; // --> null

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to get to the menu dropdown. I cannot cast the callback parameter, nor can I access the control programmatically, as I've seen on several posts. So I'm wondering, is there any way to achieve this?


  • I ended up finding a solution: using menus instead of splitbuttons. The menu's / splitbutton's appearance is the same, but a menu will open itself upon hovering or clicking, which is what I needed.