I have three lists. Employee , skillsets , EmployeeSkillsetsRating.
I wish to print a table as below, where the blank spaces will have their rating in that skillset.
EmployeeName1 EmployeeName2 EmployeeName3
Now i am able to print all the Employee names as first row successfully using 'Employee' list. Also I am able to print all Skillsets as first column successfully using 'Skillset' list. Following is the working code
<table border="1">
<c:forEach var="employee" items="${listEmployee}">
<c:forEach var="activity" items="${listActivity}" >
Now the rating for employees is coming from Rating List which also contain EmployeeID from EmployeeList and SkillsetID from Skillset List. How do I print rating in the table by matching both employee name and skillset.
How about something like this:
<c:forEach var="employee" items="${listEmployee}">
<c:forEach var="activity" items="${listActivity}" >
<c:forEach var="employee" items="${listEmployee}">
<c:forEach var="rating" items="${listRating}">
<c:if test = "${rating.employee==employee.ratingDetails && rating.activity==activity.activityDetails)">
For every activity
you loop through each employee
and if you find rating
for that employee and activity in the ratings
list -you print it as a column value.
There must a rating for every employee in the ratings list.