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RevCommit JGit mock

My question is about mocking a RevCommit object from the JGit library. When simply mocking an object of this type and defining it's behaviour, I get an error. For example:

RevCommit revCommitMock = mock(RevCommit.class);        

This will result in a NullPointerException.

Probably, the way to do it correctly is calling method:

parse(RevWalk rw, byte[] raw) 

on an instance of RevCommit object, but how to do it properly? I get NullPointerException parsing mocked object of type RevWalk. Thanks for any help in advance.


  • To avoid the NullPointerException, you would need to fully simulate the behaviour of a real RevCommit. To get its behaviour right in all aspects, you would end up re-building large parts of the actual RevCommit implementation in JGit.

    This is why I recommend to run tests against a real repository. For said reasons, it is usually not advisable to mock types that you don't own (see

    And with JGit it is very simple to create test-repositories:

    public class JGitTest {
      public TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
      private Git git;
      public void setUp() throws GitAPIException {
        git = Git.init().setDirectory(tempFolder.getRoot()).call();
      public void tearDown() {
      public void testFirst() {
        // with 'git' you have access to a fully functional repository

    See here for another example that initializes a repository and uses a TemporaryFolder to clean up: