I have a query as below.
$subQuery = (new Query())->select('is_approved')->from('user_requests')->where(['user_ref_id' => yii::$app->user->id])->andWhere(['AND','project_ref_id = p.project_id']);
This is the subquery which I am trying to call in select statement as below
$Query = (new Query())->select(['project_id','IF(p.project_type_ref_id = 2, '.$subQuery.', "" ) AS project_request_id'])
->from('projects AS p');
If I try to execute the query I am getting below error in the line where I added $subQuery
PHP Recoverable Error – yii\base\ErrorException
Object of class yii\db\Query could not be converted to string
How to add a subquery in select statement. Please help. Thanks in advance !!
Since you want to use first query as pure string add
to it. This generates SQL statement out of Query object.