I am trying to clone a repository using Git-Bash to my account in a server. There is no access to the internet for this server, except to the the account "myvsaccount.visualstudio.com".
When cloning, even though I use the whole url "https://myvsaccount.visualstudio.com/Project/_git/repo/"
wireshark and fiddler tell me that the cloning to the URL above actually hits "myvsaccount.visualstudio.com". So I am guessing it should work. But I get the error:
fatal: unable to access 'https://myvsaccount.visualstudio.com/Project/_git/repo/': Could not resolve host: myvsaccount.visualstudio.com
As if the host does not exist or I don't have access. Do I have to open the server to the internet, now opening to all cloning URLs for it to work? I didn't think I would need to do that.
Also, I am using a proxy configuration [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = new-object System.Net,WebProxy($proxyUri, $true), but it is not helping.
You should config Git to use the proxy, the command to config as:
git config --global http.proxy http://proxyUsername:proxyPassword@proxy.server.com:port
Then you can clone again to check if it can clone successful.
More details, you can refer Configure Git to use a proxy and Getting git to work with a proxy server.