I'm new at this TDD thing but making a serious effort, so I'm hoping to get some feedback here.
I created a little web service to minify JavaScript, and everything was nice, with all my tests passing. Then I noticed a bug: if I tried to minify alert('<script>');
, it would throw a HttpRequestValidationException
So that's easy enough to fix. I'll just add [AllowHtml]
to my controller. But what would be a good way to unit test that this doesn't happen in the future?
The following was my first thought:
public void Minify_DoesntChokeOnHtml()
using (var controller = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MinifyController>())
return controller.Minify("alert('<script></script>');");
catch (HttpRequestValidationException)
Assert.Fail("Request validation prevented HTML from existing inside the JavaScript.");
However, this doesn't work since I am just getting a controller instance and running methods on it, instead of firing up the whole ASP.NET pipeline.
What would be a good unit test for this? Maybe reflector on the controller method to see if the [AllowHtml]
attribute is present? That seems very structural, and unlikely to survive a refactoring; something functional might make more sense. Any ideas?
You have only two options:
Write integration test that hosts MVC in-proc or runs using browser (using Watin for instance) that will cover you scenario.
Write unit test that will check that method is marked with needed attribute.
I would go with the first option.