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Displaying a list of items in a grid Tapestry-error

I want to display a list of items in a grid and i got this error:
Failure parsing template classpath:com/mycompany/licenta/pages/ShowAll.tml: The element has been deprecated in Tapestry 5.3 in favour of 'tapestry:parameter' namespace.

My .tml page is:

<html t:type="layout" title="Show All"

   <title>Lista Hoteluri</title>
    <t:grid t:source="hotelSource" rowsPerPage="5"
<t:parameter name="numeHotelCell">
<t:pagelink t:page="details" t:context="">

      <a href="#" t:type="PageLink" t:page="Index">
      Back to the Start Page</a>


I've searched on the Internet about this problem but nothing helped me.


  • As the error says, the t:parameter element has been deprecated. Technically, it was actually removed in Tapestry 5.3. In any case, all you need to do is use the newer, more concise p: syntax (the "parameter" XML namespace) instead:

        <t:pagelink t:page="details" t:context="">

    This is mentioned briefly here:

    This "parameter" namespace, using the "p:" prefix here, is already defined at the top of your template. (Technically you could declare a prefix other than "p:", but that would be unconventional.)