This Works fine when run as Admin from anywhere except Root. It works saved as ANSI from Notepad - Unicode produces no output at all.
This Batch functions to create a new text file containing a directory listing of the Root using the volumeID as a variable in the filename. Note that running from a subdir circumvents the protected root from writing when UAC is on
PROBLEM IS: The created filename is padded with 12 extra spaces before the ext.
Question is: How to truncate the spaces or prevent them from being appended?
Rem BATCH CODE:---------------------------
Rem -----------Fetch VolumeID as Variable to use in output filename:
@echo off
wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get volumeserialnumber
For /F "Skip=1 Delims=" %%j In ('WMIC LogicalDisk Where "DeviceID='%~d0'" Get VolumeSerialNumber') do (
set v_VolID=%%j
goto :DONE
echo SERIAL=%v_VolID%
echo %v_VolID%
rem --------- WRITE VolID.txt with Directory Listing
dir *.*>"_____TEST Volume ID-%v_VolID%.txt"
endlocal & set "%2=%label_%" & goto :EOF
Replace your For
loop with this:
For /F "Skip=1 Delims=" %%A In (
'WMIC LogicalDisk Where "DeviceID='%~d0'" Get VolumeSerialNumber'
) Do For /F %%B In ("%%A") Do Set "v_VolID=%%B"