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TypeError: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_signature_pad__ is not a constructor

I am trying to use angular2-signature-pad library for signature input in my angular project. I have tried using the library as follows:

// in .module.ts file
import {SignaturePadModule} from "angular2-signature-pad";
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    SignaturePadModule // Signature Module

// in .ts file   
  import 'signature_pad';

   // in .html file

But i got the following error: Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_signature_pad is not a constructor. enter image description here

I saw another SO question in this link and installed below package

npm install --save @types/signature_pad

But the same error happened again. Which part am i missing to work signature pad perfectly?


  • angular2-signature-pad library is for angular2 and works good with angular cli, Ionic uses a different webpack approach and this lib does not support that.

    So, I am using another module called angular2-signaturepad to make that work.