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How to format/align text in shiny bsPopover?

I am new to Shiny r and trying to build an app. I am using bspopover to display a popover over a slider input. The text in the popover is split in multiple lines like pointers (see below)

i. This is line 1

ii.This is line 2

iii. This is line 3

I have stored these 3 lines in a variable (see below)

CR1_BS<-paste("i. This is line 1",
      "ii. This is line 2",
      "iii. This is line 3")

And then using the bspopover like

bsPopover(id="CR1_S1",title="x",content=strsplit(CR1_BS, "\n")[[1]] ,"right",options = list(container = "body"))

In the popover is currently displayed as plain text without different lines like "i. This is line 1","ii. This is line 2","iii. This is line 3"

Where as i need the output to be something like below

i. This is line 1

ii. This is line 2

iii. This is line 3

I have searched thru the site and other internet resources but not yet able to find a solution. Your help is really appreciated.


  • This can be done using a little <br> which is line break in javascript.

    Here is a sample code:

    CR1_BS<-paste("i. This is line 1",
                  "ii. This is line 2",
                  "iii. This is line 3", sep = "<br>")
    ui <- fluidPage(
      actionButton("CR1_S1", "Button"),
      bsPopover(id="CR1_S1",title="x",content=CR1_BS ,"right",options = list(container = "body"))
    server <- function(input, output){}
    shinyApp(ui, server)

    With this you get an app with a popover and line break like this: enter image description here

    Hope it helps!