def persist[A](event: A)(handler: (A) ⇒ Unit): Unit
def persistAll[A](events: Seq[A])(handler: (A) ⇒ Unit): Unit
For above method, is param passed to handler
guaranted to be exactly the same(with same identifyHashCode) instance as the persisted event
According to my few tests, they are actually same, but I don't know akka will always ensure this even in the future release
From the source code, we can see they are exactly the same.
def persist[A](event: A)(handler: A => Unit): Unit = {
if (recoveryRunning) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot persist during replay. Events can be persisted when receiving RecoveryCompleted or later.")
pendingStashingPersistInvocations += 1
pendingInvocations addLast StashingHandlerInvocation(event, handler.asInstanceOf[Any => Unit])
eventBatch ::= AtomicWrite(PersistentRepr(event, persistenceId = persistenceId,
sequenceNr = nextSequenceNr(), writerUuid = writerUuid, sender = sender()))
You can see the same event
be passed to AtomicWrite
for persist & also passed to StashingHandlerInvocation
for handle. I didn't see any reason for akka team to change this later. But no one can promise for future release even the maintainer I think, maybe you need to wait the man from lightbend. FYI.