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Addition of two 8-bits number in 8086 using MASM

This is the code that I have written in 8086 using MASM. The code is for simple addition of two 8-bit numbers (no need to worry about carry). I gave for input to the following program, two numbers: 31h and 16h . The output should have been 47h but it is giving me the output as 'w'. The code works fine if I take numbers whose some does not exceed 9, can someone please point out my mistake here?


data segment
   n1 db 31h
   n2 db 16h
data ends

code segment
 assume cs:code, ds:data

   mov ax,data
   mov ds,ax

   mov al,n1
   mov bl,n2
   add al,bl

   add al,30h
   mov dl,al

   mov ah,02h
   int 21h

   mov ah,4ch
   int 21h

code ends
end start


  • After you add the two constants you wanted, you add al,30h, giving you a value of 77h. This is the ASCII code for w, which you then print as an ASCII character rather than a number.