I am using SqLite native plugin in Ionic 3 App. As per documentation , it works as expected. In app.commponent.ts , I created the table like this:
name: 'sdt.db',
location: 'default'
.then((db) => {
//create table if not exists!!!
this.db = db;
console.log(" within app components");
var createTableAccount = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'accounts' ( 'accountid' INTEGER, 'accountName' TEXT NOT NULL, 'remarks' TEXT, 'initBalance' INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY('accountid') );"
this.db.transaction(function(tx) {
//todo: create a transaction table .........
//todo: insert data to table
}).then(() => {
console.log("basic structure sql executed")
}).catch(e => console.log(e));;
In Home.ts pages constructor, I have used like this
name: 'sdt.db',
location: 'default'
.then((db) => {
this.db = db;
in pages:
ionViewDidLoad() {
this.loader = this.loading.create({
content: 'Loading ...',
cssClass: "loadingControllerCustomCss"
this.loader.present().then(() => {
detail method is
getBalance() {
var balanceQuery = "select sum(trxamount) sumofamount from transactiontable";
this.db.executeSql(balanceQuery, [])
.then((data) => {
this.balance = data.rows.item(0).sumofamount;
.catch(e => console.log(e));
But I want to create table once and reuse the getBalance() method so that I don't have to repeat segment of code.Hence, I want to use a provider(example BackendService) as a service method which can be reusable to all pages.
What will be the best practice ?
Can any body help with a complete example of sqlite native plugin as a provider in Ionic 3 where open database,create schema and get data will be shown?
Thanks in advanace!
OK first you need to install native plugins, see instructions here: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/sqlite/
once done create your sqlite provider. Normally inside src you do folder "providers" and add sqlite.ts.
Its contents:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { SQLite, SQLiteObject } from '@ionic-native/sqlite';
export class SqLiteProvider {
// we need to declare a var that will point to the initialized db:
public db: SQLiteObject;
private sqlite: SQLite
name: 'data.db',
location: 'default'
}).then((db: SQLiteObject) => {
// here we will assign created db to our var db (see above)
this.db = db;
// we can now create the table this way:
this.db.executeSql('create table danceMoves(name VARCHAR(32))', {})
.then(() => console.log('Executed SQL'))
.catch(e => console.log(e));
}).catch(e => console.log(e));
// here in this provider we create getBalance method, that should be accessible by other pages:
getBalance() {
// we will do Promise here:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let balanceQuery = "select sum(trxamount) sumofamount from transactiontable";
this.db.executeSql(balanceQuery, []).then((data) => {
let balance = data.rows.item(0).sumofamount;
// if we successfully obtain data - we resolve it, means it can be available via callback
}).catch((err)=>{ console.log(err); reject(err)}) // we deal with errors etc
Then you need to make this "global scope" provider if you want to use it anywhere in your app. For that you go to app.module.ts and import:
import { SqLiteProvider } from '../../providers/sqlite'; // ensure this is the folder where you created your sqlite.ts
Now for any page/component if you need to use this provider you just: - import it, - then use constructor to initialize it.
// some page or component:
import { SqLiteProvider } from '../../providers/sqlite' ... constructor( private sqlProvider: SqLiteProvider ) {}
Now in this page you can access this provider's methods by doing
this.sqlProvider.getBalance().then((data)=>{ console.log(data)}).