After Windows 10 update , Clearcase ALBD service is not available anymore and i can't seem to find it either, is there a way get back albd service to work instead of uninstall and install Clearcase
The reason this happens is because the albd service essentially uses the wrong slash in the executable path. You can manually readd the albd service using this command line:
SC create albd type= own start= auto binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\RationalSDLC\clearcase\bin\albd_server.exe" displayname= "Atria Location Broker" depend= RpcSs/TcpIp/PolicyAgent/seclogon obj= (albd account name) password= (albd password)
Yes it's long, but I just did this this past week when the 1709 update rolled in and erased my albd service.