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Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts

I am building a QT app using QTwidgets to run in a RaspberyPi3 with an image inside the SDcard built with buildroot. I suppose that charts are supported since they are based in QtWidgets and widgets are supported.

My problem is, when i integrate Charts in my project and run the project in the computer, there is no problem, however when I try to deploy this to the Raspberry the files and libraries are not included and errors show up.

In my .pro file I have: QT += charts

But this gives the following error:

error: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts

However, if I remove this, some errors come saying that the libraries are not found:

QtCharts/QChartGlobal: No such file or directory

I think that my problem is just not giving to the project the directories of the libraries or plugins in the raspberry sd card. Can anyone help me? If more information is needed just ask I will try to answer as fast as possible.


  • You will need to enable the qt5charts package, which has recently been added to Buildroot. It is included in our 2018.02-rc1 release candidate from earlier this week: