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Docker hub/store doesn't show build information

I'm having problems with docker continuous integration.

I setup automated builds in for my project, but there is not information at all either in their webs (hub/store) or their api, which shows that my build is not automated.

Docker Cloud looks like this:

Build configuration

Recent builds

But in the registry there is no "builds" section:

My project

I guess that should look like other members projects, something like this:

Other member project

Also, like I said, using the endpoint:{user}/{project}/ shows me "automated build: false"


  • I just realized that, in some way, there is no link between the Docker Cloud automatic builds and Docker Hub ones.

    If you create an automated build in Docker Hub, everything works. I don't understand the logic of this, because if you create a repo either in docker cloud or docker hub, they are syncronized as one, but automated builds created on Docker Cloud don't show correctly in Docker Hub/Store.

    Both, the Docker Hub and Docker Store builds will be updated whenever you do a push to your repo or a new build is sent with docker push, but the information about the automatic build only will be showed in Docker Cloud if you did it here.