I am struggling to understand when it makes sense to use an instance method versus a static method. Also, I don't know if my functions are static since there is not a @staticmethod decorator. Would I be able to access the class functions when I make a call to one of the methods?
I am working on a webscraper that sends information to a database. It’s setup to run once a week. The structure of my code looks like this
import libraries...
class Get:
def build_url(url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date):
return url_with_parameters
def web_data(request_date, url_parameter1, url_parameter2): #no use of self
# using parameters pull the variables to look up in the database
for a in db_info:
url = build_url(a, url_parameter2, request_date)
x = requests.Session().get(url, proxies).json()
#save data to the database
return None
#same type of function for pulling the web data from the database and parsing it
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
Get.web_data(request_date, url_parameter1, url_parameter2)
Parse.web_data(get_date, parameter) #to illustrate the second part of the scrapper
That is the basic structure. The code is functional but I don’t know if I am using the methods (functions?) correctly and potentially missing out on ways to use my code in the future. I may even be writing bad code that will cause errors down the line that are impossibly hard to debug only because I didn’t follow best practices.
After reading about when class and instance methods are used. I cannot see why I would use them. If I want the url built or the data pulled from the website I call the build_url or get_web_data function. I don’t need an instance of the function to keep track of anything separate. I cannot imagine when I would need to keep something separate either which I think is part of the problem.
The reason I think my question is different than the previous questions is: the conceptual examples to explain the differences don't seem to help me when I am sitting down and writing code. I have not run into real world problems that are solved with the different methods that show when I should even use an instance method, yet instance methods seem to be mandatory when looking at conceptual examples of code.
Thank you!
The functions you have wrote in your code are instance methods but they were written incorrectly.
An instance method must have self
as first parameter
i.e def build_url(self, url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date):
Then you call it like that
get_inst = Get()
get_inst.build_url(url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date)
This self
parameter is provided by python and it allow you to access all properties and functions - static or not - of your Get
If you don't need to access other functions or properties in your class then you add @staticmethod
decorator and remove self
def build_url(url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date):
And then you can call it directly
Get.build_url(url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date)
or call from from class instance
get_inst = Get()
get_inst.build_url(url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date)
But what is the problem with your current code you might ask? Try calling it from an instance like this and u will see the problem
get_inst = Get()
get_inst.build_url(url_paramater1, url_parameter2, request_date)
Example where creating an instance is useful: Let's say you want to make a chat client.
You could write code like this
class Chat:
def send(server_url, message):
connection = connect(server_url)
def read(server_url):
connection = connect(server_url)
message = connection.read()
return message
But a much cleaner and better way to do it:
class Chat:
def __init__(server_url):
# Initialize connection only once when instance is created
self.connection = connect(server_url)
def __del__()
# Close connection only once when instance is deleted
def send(self, message):
def read(self):
return self.connection.read()
To use that last class you do
# Create new instance and pass server_url as argument
chat = Chat("http://example.com/chat")
# deleting chat causes __del__ function to be called and connection be closed
delete chat