I am trying to implement a session-per-request model in my WCF application, and I have read countless documents on this topic, but looks like there is not a complete demonstration of this. I actually came across some very useful articles such as this one:
NHibernate's ISession, scoped for a single WCF-call
but these are all from the old days when NHibernate and Ninject did not have WCF specific implementations, therefore they achieved what I need by implementing their custom service providers, etc. Since both Ninject and NHibernate have WCF support now, I want to keep things consistent by using their modules, but I ended up here...
The basic setup and flow should be something like this:
My initial problem was that I wasn't able to access to the wcf lifecycle to handle my bindings. After digging into the ninject code a bit, I managed to hook my methods to ServiceHost's Opening / Closing events without changing much, but then I wasn't able to access to the OperationContext since it is thread-static.
Later I tried enabling asp.net compatibility and using Application_BeginRequest and Application_EndRequest, and it looked very promising, but I don't think that's the best solution since I should be binding stuff to the service instance, rather than the http request.
Has anyone ever achieved this using ninject's built-in wcf extension libraries? Or any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
I have implemented per request session lifetime with the help of IDispatchMessageInspector. Probably you could implement custom lifetime manager for Ninject to achieve per web request.