Following the documentation:
the steps worked smoothly until the: Configuring Weather Agent with API Key and Location
$ nano services/core/weather/
first this message shown after typing the above script:
[ Directory 'services/core/weather' does not exist ]
even I went to the directory and typed: ls
it shows the directory and files exist.
After inserting the key value from weather underground, I attempted to save the modified file ( using (ctrl+x = exit)
first this message shown after trying to exit :
Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?
Y Yes
N No
^C Cancel
I typed Y , and then
File Name to Write: services/core/weather/
I hit enter
I got the error message :
[ Error writing services/core/weather/ No such file or directory ]
as shown in the link
Ubuntu : 16.04 LTS
Got it!! this is the directoy:
nano /home/user_name/volttron/services/core/WeatherAgent/weather/