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Custom structure using jSONEncoder

Want to encode an object into a custom structure using JSONEncoder+Encodable.

struct Foo: Encodable {
   var name: String?
   var bars: [Bar]?

struct Bar: Encodable {
   var name: String?
   var value: String?

let bar1 = Bar(name: "bar1", value: "barvalue1")
let bar2 = Bar(name: "bar2", value: "barvalue2")
let foo = Foo(name: "foovalue", bars: [bar1, bar2])

Default approach of encoding foo gives:

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let data = try encoder.encode(foo)
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)


   "name": "foovalue",
   "bars": [
         "name": "bar1",
         "value": "barvalue1"
         "name": "bar2",
         "value": "barvalue2"

In the custom output I'd like to use the value of property name as the key, and the values of rest as the value for the mentioned key. The same will be applicable for nested objects. So I'd expect the output to be:

    "foovalue": [
          "bar1": "barvalue1"
          "bar2": "barvalue2"

Question is whether Encodable/JSONEncoder supports this. Right now I just process the the first output dictionary and restructure it by iterating the keys.


  • If you’d like to keep Foo and Bar Encodable, you can achieve this by providing a custom encode(to:) that uses a specific coding key whose value is name:

    private struct StringKey: CodingKey {
        let stringValue: String
        var intValue: Int? { return nil }
        init(_ string: String) { stringValue = string }
        init?(stringValue: String) { self.init(stringValue) }
        init?(intValue: Int) { return nil }
    struct Foo: Encodable {
        var name: String
        var bars: [Bar]
        func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
            var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: StringKey.self)
            try container.encode(bars, forKey: StringKey(name))
    struct Bar : Encodable {
        var name: String
        var value: String
        func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
            var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: StringKey.self)
            try container.encode(value, forKey: StringKey(name))

    StringKey can take on any String value, allowing you to encode arbitrarily as needed.