I've searched around the web, but have not found what I'm looking for or even if its possible at all (so far). I have a cartesian chart and what I would like to do, is style the labels of the AxisX. I've seen how to change it's colour, for instance, by setting the foreground of the Axis, but, what I would like to achieve with this style, is to align the label's content by centering them. Seems pretty basic as setting 'HorizontalContentAlignment' to 'Center', but I haven't figured out how to do it.
Here is an extract of my sample code:
<lc:CartesianChart LegendLocation="Top">
<local:MonthlySummaryCustomLegendView />
<lc:Axis Title="Days of Month"
<lc:Separator Step="1"
And this is a screenshot of how it currently renders:
Thank you all in advance, any help or guidelines will be much appreciated.
I don't think there is a clean and easy way.