In my app the functionality required is similar to "contact form". I want that user should be able to send email to me using that contact form.
Now the form should contain textFields for Subject and Message Body but the Recipient Email Address should be pre-fixed and should not be shown.As I dont want to disclose my email id to all users.
What should i do?
How to prepare such contact form like functionality using which users can send email?
Please Give Your Suggestions.
Your Suggestions are most welcome.
Thanks in Advance!!!
The easiest solution would be to create a POST request with the values of your form, and then send it to a server of your own, that will itself send the mail for you. Otherwise, you should embed an SMTP client in your code, and I don't know if there are any available for iOS (I don't mean there aren't, it's just I don't know any :)
I suggest you take a look to the ASIFormDataRequest class in the ASIHTTPRequest framework, as it will simplify your life for doing such a thing.