I have the following code which I am using to save a table, modify the table, and then make a copy of the table. I got copy_table_after()
from Here.
def copy_table_after(table, paragraph):
tbl, p = table._tbl, paragraph._p
new_tbl = deepcopy(tbl)
def replaceText(document, search, replace):
for table in document.tables:
for row in table.rows:
for paragraph in row.cells:
if search in paragraph.text:
paragraph.text = replace
document = Document('Test.docx')
template = document.tables[0]
replaceText(document, '<<VALUE_TO_FIND>>', 'New value')
paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
copy_table_after(template, paragraph)
My problem is that when I run copy_table_after
, it copies the table with the new text. Is there a way to 'save' the table and then make a copy of the original table after I have already made changes to it?
Yes, that should be possible like this :
(Note that I have removed copy_table_after, because we just want to copy the table)
def replaceText(document, search, replace):
for table in document.tables:
for row in table.rows:
for paragraph in row.cells:
if search in paragraph.text:
paragraph.text = replace
document = Document('Test.docx')
template = document.tables[0]
tbl = template._tbl
# Here we do the copy of the table
new_tbl = deepcopy(tbl)
# Then we do the replacement
replaceText(document, '<<VALUE_TO_FIND>>', 'New value')
paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
# After that, we add the previously copied table