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With Echo and html/template how can I pass HTML to the template?

I'm using Echo to build my first small Go web service and I went with the example they provide for using html/template for HTML page templates to simplify page management.

On one of the pages I'm collecting data from a backend API and wanted to display it in a table. I'm generating the HTML and then passing it into the template. Unfortunately html/template is encoding it as safe text rather than letting the HTML pass through.

I can see in the html/template docs how you could tell it the HTML is safe there but I'm not sure how to do that same thing inside Echo.

How do I make it so that HTML passed through Render is accepted as HTML instead of encoded?

Simplified versions of the go files and template:


package main

import (


type Template struct {
  templates *template.Template
func (t *Template) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
    return t.templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)

func main() {
  t := &Template{
    templates: template.Must(template.ParseGlob("views/*.html")),

  e := echo.New()

  e.Renderer = t

  e.GET("/", homePage)

  // HTTP server


package main

import (

func homePage(c echo.Context) error {
  return c.Render(http.StatusOK, "home", "<p>HTML Test</p>")


{{define "home"}}
{{template "head"}}
{{template "navbar"}}


{{template "foot"}}


  • This is covered in the html/template package summary:

    By default, this package assumes that all pipelines produce a plain text string. It adds escaping pipeline stages necessary to correctly and safely embed that plain text string in the appropriate context.

    When a data value is not plain text, you can make sure it is not over-escaped by marking it with its type.

    For example:

    return c.Render(http.StatusOK, "home", template.HTML("<p>HTML Test</p>"))