Currently I am trying to convert Camera2.Face to actual view's rect in order to draw circle over the face detected by the Camera2 API.
I am able to get number of faces and its data into Callback by below code:
private CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback mCaptureCallback
= new CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback() {
private void process(CaptureResult result) {
Integer mode = result.get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE);
Face [] faces = result.get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACES);
if(faces != null && mode != null)
Log.e("tag", "faces : " + faces.length + " , mode : " + mode );
public void onCaptureProgressed(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request, CaptureResult partialResult) {
public void onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request, TotalCaptureResult result) {
I tried below code so far to convert Face rect to actual view co-ordinates(seems like it is not working):
* Callback from the CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback
public void onFaceDetection(Face[] faces) {
if (mCameraView != null) {
* This method gets the scaling values of the face in matrix
private void setFaceDetectionMatrix() {
// Face Detection Matrix
mFaceDetectionMatrix = new Matrix();
// Need mirror for front camera.
boolean mirror = mCameraView.getFacing() == CameraView.FACING_FRONT;
mFaceDetectionMatrix.setScale(mirror ? -1 : 1, 1);
Rect activeArraySizeRect = mCameraView.getCameraCharacteristics().get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE);
Log.i("Test", "activeArraySizeRect1: (" + activeArraySizeRect + ") -> " + activeArraySizeRect.width() + ", " + activeArraySizeRect.height());
Log.i("Test", "activeArraySizeRect2: " + cameraOverlayDrawingView.getWidth() + ", " + cameraOverlayDrawingView.getHeight());
float s1 = cameraOverlayDrawingView.getWidth() / activeArraySizeRect.width();
float s2 = cameraOverlayDrawingView.getHeight() / activeArraySizeRect.height();
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(cameraOverlayDrawingView.getWidth() / 2, cameraOverlayDrawingView.getHeight() / 2);
* This method set the matrix for translating rect
private void setFaceDetectionLayout(Face[] faces) {
if (faces.length == 0) {
cameraOverlayDrawingView.setHaveFaces(false, null);
} else if (faces.length > 0) {
List<Rect> faceRects;
faceRects = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
Log.i("Test", "Activity face" + i + " bounds: " + faces[i].getBounds());
if (faces[i].getScore() > 50) {
int left = faces[i].getBounds().left;
int top = faces[i].getBounds().top;
int right = faces[i].getBounds().right;
int bottom = faces[i].getBounds().bottom;
Rect uRect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);
RectF rectF = new RectF(uRect);
uRect.set((int) rectF.left, (int), (int) rectF.right, (int) rectF.bottom);
Log.i("Test", "Activity rect" + i + " bounds: " + uRect);
cameraOverlayDrawingView.setHaveFaces(true, faceRects);
NEW: I've manage all my phone rotations. The offsetDxDy I guess depends on my layout, but if I've to tell you the truth I don't know why I put a value of 100. It works well on my Huawei P9 and I've found it in an empirical way. I still not have tried to find out if depends on my phone or on my XML layout or both.
Anyway the Matrices now are found, so you could adapt them so that they can fit your needs.
Note: my setRotation
is not so general, because I didn't parametrized it upon
int orientationOffset = mCameraCharacteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_ORIENTATION);
You can try do do it so that to have a full general code working with SENSOR_ORIENTATION
different from the one of this example that is 270.
So this code works with a phone with an hardware camera sensor with orientation of 270.
The Huawei P9 has it.
Just to give you an idea of making the rotation bind to se HW sensor orientation that also works well on my P9 (but I don't have any other hardware to test)
if (mSwappedDimensions) {
// Display Rotation 0
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(mirror ? -s1 : s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(mPreviewSize.getHeight() + offsetDxDy, mPreviewSize.getWidth() + offsetDxDy);
} else {
// Display Rotation 90 e 270
if (displayRotation == Surface.ROTATION_90) {
mFaceDetectionMatrix.setRotate(orientationOffset + 90);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(mirror ? -s1 : s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(mPreviewSize.getWidth() + offsetDxDy, -offsetDxDy);
} else if (displayRotation == Surface.ROTATION_270) {
mFaceDetectionMatrix.setRotate(orientationOffset + 270);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(mirror ? -s1 : s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(-offsetDxDy, mPreviewSize.getHeight() + offsetDxDy);
Here my final code (also available on GitHub)
int orientationOffset = mCameraCharacteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_ORIENTATION);
Rect activeArraySizeRect = mCameraCharacteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE);
// Face Detection Matrix
mFaceDetectionMatrix = new Matrix();
Log.i("Test", "activeArraySizeRect1: (" + activeArraySizeRect + ") -> " + activeArraySizeRect.width() + ", " + activeArraySizeRect.height());
Log.i("Test", "activeArraySizeRect2: " + mPreviewSize.getWidth() + ", " + mPreviewSize.getHeight());
float s1 = mPreviewSize.getWidth() / (float)activeArraySizeRect.width();
float s2 = mPreviewSize.getHeight() / (float)activeArraySizeRect.height();
//float s1 = mOverlayView.getWidth();
//float s2 = mOverlayView.getHeight();
boolean mirror = (facing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT); // we always use front face camera
boolean weAreinPortrait = true;
int offsetDxDy = 100;
if (mSwappedDimensions) {
// Display Rotation 0
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(mirror ? -s1 : s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(mPreviewSize.getHeight() + offsetDxDy, mPreviewSize.getWidth() + offsetDxDy);
} else {
// Display Rotation 90 e 270
if (displayRotation == Surface.ROTATION_90) {
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(mirror ? -s1 : s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(mPreviewSize.getWidth() + offsetDxDy, -offsetDxDy);
} else if (displayRotation == Surface.ROTATION_270) {
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postScale(mirror ? -s1 : s1, s2);
mFaceDetectionMatrix.postTranslate(-offsetDxDy, mPreviewSize.getHeight() + offsetDxDy);
This is the public github repo where you can find the code: Hope it could help you.
Anyway just to give you also some theory, what you are doing is a 2D plane transformation. I mean you have a plane (the HW Sensor) and you have to remap the object on that plane on your preview plane.
So you have to take care of:
Math Theory
I've also write some technical post in my blog some time ago but they are in Italian.