I have a need to implement this api in loopback nodejs
Any ideas on how to go about it ? The path after part_number should accept atleast 100 partnumbers and then return me the result.
All the documentation that i have looked at in loopback talks abut only sending a get request to something like https://myapi.com/part_numbers?part_number=1245 but not about sending for multiple comma separated values
Any ideas on how do i build this endpoint using loopback and nodejs I am using mysql as the backend datastore.
Disclaimer: I am a maintainer of LoopBack and co-author of the pull request adding support for character-delimited arrays in input arguments.
LoopBack provides a feature flag to enable comma-delimited array values in input arguments, this flag was added by https://github.com/strongloop/strong-remoting/pull/142. (Unfortunately it's not documented yet.)
How to use it:
1) Configure allowed delimiters in your server/config.json
"restApiRoot": "/api",
// ...
"rest": {
"handleErrors": false,
"arrayItemDelimiters": [","],
// original content - keep it around:
"normalizeHttpPath": false,
"xml": false
// ...
2) Define a custom remote method (see docs) accepting an argument of type "array of numbers". For example, assuming you have a model called PartNumbers
already defined:
PartNumbers.get = function(numbers) {
// replace this code with your implementation
// here, we simply return back the parsed array
return Promise.resolve(numbers);
PartNumbers.remoteMethod('get', {
accepts: {
arg: 'part_numbers',
type: ['number'],
required: true,
// modify "returns" to match your actual response format
returns: {
arg: 'data',
type: 'object',
root: true,
http: {verb: 'GET', path: '/'},
3) Start you application, open API Explorer at http://localhost:3000/explorer and give your new method a ride!