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GameMaker Studio 2 - Path Not Found

I am using GameMaker Studio 2 to make a 2D platformer game. But when I tried to run the game I am encountering this error: It says: Path doesn't exists.

I don't even have a Z drive.


  • I finally find the solution! The problem is all about the subst.exe.
    If you don't know what subst.exe is:
    There are 2 steps to solve the problem:
    1. You need to check Windows\System32 for subst.exe. If it is not there, copy it from a subfolder of winsxs.
    2. If it is there but still not working, check your "Path" from "Environment Variables". If there is no "%SystemRoot%\System32;" add it to its beginning.
    3. Then restart GameMaker.