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How to set values for TdDynamicFormsComponent in teradata covalent

I want to set values in the form on my edit page then i can be able to edit.

public formElements = [
      name: 'market',
      type: TdDynamicElement.Input,
      label: 'market',
      required: true,
      flex: 50
      name: 'commodity',
      type: TdDynamicElement.Input,
      required: true,
      flex: 50,
      label: 'Commodity'
      name: 'time',
      label: 'Time',
      type: TdDynamicElement.Datepicker,
      required: true,
      flex: 50

I want to add value like this <input type='text' value='some name'/>


Edited. this is how i display the form in html

    <h5>Add an Market</h5>

    <td-dynamic-forms #formRest [elements]="formElements">

    <button mat-raised-button color="accent" (click)="submit()">Save</button>
    <button mat-raised-button color="warn" (click)="close()">Cancel</button>


  • The Covalent Dynamic Forms has a default property on the form element interface. You can use that to set an initial value. It does not automatically update the form though if the array does not change.

      "name": "text",
      "type": "text",
      "required": false,
      "default": "Default",
      "flex": 50

    See this used in the following Stackblitz