Search code examples

USQL query for SELECTING a range from a table

Data is as

    index id
        1 112
        1 112
        2 109
        2 109
        3 125
        3 125
        4 199
        4 199
        5 100
        5 100

The id are not incremental but are sequential in nature take it as a GUID that's why i have assigned index for Range query

The user will give @startid @endid and i will get the rows for this range

Now first i get the index corresponding these id like

@indexes = SELECT DISTINCT index 
 FROM @table 
WHERE id IN (@startid, endid);

as a result i get (let's say for example if @startid = 2 and @endid = 4)


Now i know the Range will be BETWEEN 2 and 4 i.e. i want rows corresponding 2,3 and 4

@result= SELECT index AS index,
         id AS id 
         FROM @data
         index BETWEEN (THE TWO ENTRIES FROM @indexes)

would have done this using Nested SELECT but USQL doesn't support it.

now is there a way to treat @indexes as a list and specify range or something???


  • BETWEEN is supported in U-SQL, it's just case-sensitive, eg

    DECLARE CONST @startId int = 2;
    DECLARE CONST @endId int = 4;
    @input = SELECT *
         FROM (
            ( 1, 112 ),
            ( 1, 112 ),
            ( 2, 109 ),
            ( 2, 109 ),
            ( 3, 125 ),
            ( 3, 125 ),
            ( 4, 199 ),
            ( 4, 199 ),
            ( 5, 100 ),
            ( 5, 100 )
        ) AS x ( index, id );
    @output =
        SELECT *
        FROM @input
        WHERE index BETWEEN @startId AND @endId;
    OUTPUT @output TO "/output/output.csv"
    USING Outputters.Csv(quoting:false);

    My results:

    My Results

    Alternative approach:

        DECLARE CONST @startId int = 109;
        DECLARE CONST @endId int = 199;
        @input = SELECT *
             FROM (
                ( 1, 112 ),
                ( 1, 112 ),
                ( 2, 109 ),
                ( 2, 109 ),
                ( 3, 125 ),
                ( 3, 125 ),
                ( 4, 199 ),
                ( 4, 199 ),
                ( 5, 100 ),
                ( 5, 100 )
            ) AS x ( index, id );
    @output =
        SELECT i. *
        FROM @input AS i
             CROSS JOIN
             SELECT MIN(index) AS minIndex,
                    MAX(index) AS maxIndex
             FROM @input AS i
             WHERE id IN ( @startId, @endId )
                   ) AS x
        WHERE i.index BETWEEN x.minIndex AND x.maxIndex;    
        OUTPUT @output TO "/output/output.csv"
        USING Outputters.Csv(quoting:false);